Step 1: Make any Necessary Changes to CU Record.

If you need to generate change appraisal notices you can do so one at a time from the main current use enrollment screen where you did your verification. First make any necessary updates in your local software, upload to VTPIE, make any changes in VTPIE.

Step 2: Generate Result of Grievance

To generate a Result of Grievance notice, first navigate to the parcel within Current Use. Once in Current Use, select the parcel you wish to generate a notice for.  Not that the current use record must be verified in order to generate the notices.

Step 3: View Result of Grievance Notification

After clicking the Result of Grievance button, the notice will be generated in the Grand List Management module, under Change of Appraisal Notices & Grievance. Any Grievance notifications that were created will appear individually in the list. Each can be viewed much the same as the Current Use Value Allocation notices. You can also use the Action button (1) to edit the information within the notice.

On the next page after clicking on View Notices, click the green Search All button to view the notice in results, then use the Action button to Print the Notice. Note: you can use the Edit option in the actions dropdown to edit the text shown on the report in relation to the grievance.