Selecting the PT-73S form record in the Form Group table will take the user to the form page. On the form page the information will appear a shown below. Note that the form contains six (1) tab: School. Below the tab on the left side is a pick-list which contains all of the districts within a tab, allowing the user to view information more easily. Note, only the funds associated with that district will show once you have selected a tab.
Levy Verification Form Group
PT-73 S Form
Data Entry
Users can enter data in the form by selecting a field with their mouse. Once you are selected on a field you can use the tab button to navigate to the next field, row, etc.
Filers do not have to type data into forms if their vendor has developed the appropriate upload file. To upload a file select the upload button as shown below.
PT-73 S File Upload Button Shown
To initiate the upload process, select the grey Upload File button above the data table to the right. The user will be navigated to the PT-73 S File Upload page as shown below.

To upload a file, select the grey Browse button to open file explorer. Once you have located the appropriate file, select the green Upload button. Note that you can drag and drop files into the upload field.
Following the selection of the Upload button, the user will be returned to the PT-73S page. Note that the page will contain a blue ribbon indicating that the file is being processed (as shown below). Note that the file processor runs on a five-minute loop, meaning every five minutes all pending files will be processed and uploaded into the system. Refreshing the screen will allow you to see if the file has completed processing.
Successful Upload Banner and Processing Banner
Once the file has completed uploading the blue ribbon will disappear and data will be populated in the form as shown below.
Note that if the user attempts to upload another file, it will overwrite the data that they have in the application.
Failed Files
If a file has a structural defect such as:
- Incorrect header
- Incorrect file format (all files are CSV)
- Incorrect formatting (text qualifiers, etc)
The user will be presented with a message that says “The upload file is invalid. Please review the file format and schema and make any necessary corrections before attempting to re-upload” as shown below.
Form Validation
Note that the business logic for the PT-73S Form stipulates that:
- **Request Amount does not exceed the limit set in Tax Management** (INACTIVE FOR 2022)
- Request Rate does not exceed the allowable value
Form Completion
Use the blue 'Complete' button in the bottom right hand corner to complete the form and lock in the data.
Form Completion Confirmation