This form is used to report the taxpayers contacts and locatons for companies that have already registered with the State Assessed Property Bureau of the Property Tax Division. This form should be updated annually to reflect any changes to your business locations or contacts.
CAB-01 (Public Co) from Axiomatic on Vimeo.
CAB-01 (Private) from Axiomatic on Vimeo.
The CAB-01 captures the required location and contact information for the filer per the information that is entered when the filer is created (shown below). Filers can add additional contacts and locations beyond the required items.

The required items are defined by the filers configuration, filers are classified as public or private:
- Public Filer
- Required Locations
- Primary Office
- Tax Records Location
- Required Contacts
- Primary Executive
- Tax Contact
- Required Locations
- Private Filer
- Required Locations
- Primary Office
- Tax Records Location
- Required Contacts
- Owner (If user selects 1-3 owners, the appropriate number are required. If greater than 3, only 3 are required)
- Tax Contact
- Required Locations
To access a required Location or Contact, select the actions menu to the left of the record and select Edit.
Edit Filer Contact Information
Required Locations
To edit a required Location, select the actions menu to the left of the record and select Edit. The user will be taken to the Location page (shown below).
Edit Location
Indicate the Category (preset) for the location and fill out the required fields on the form (denoted by an asterisk). Once the form is complete select the green Save button, the user will be returned to the CAB-01.
Required Contacts
To edit a required Contact, select the actions menu to the left of the record and select Edit. The user will be taken to the Contact page (shown below).
Edit Contact
Indicate the Category (preset) for the contact and fill out the required fields on the form (denoted by an asterisk). Once the form is complete select the green Save button, the user will be returned to the CAB-01.
Add Location
Locations that are not indicated as required can be entered by selecting the blue Add button in the upper left-hand corner of the page.
Add Location
After selecting Add Location, the user will be taken to the add Location page.
Add Location Details
Indicate the category for the contact and fill out the required fields on the form (denoted by an asterisk). Note that you can copy Required Location information by selecting the value in the copy details field and selecting the button to the right. Once the form is complete select the green Save button, the user will be returned to the CAB-01.
Add Contact
Contacts that are not indicated as required can be entered by selecting the blue Add button in the upper left-hand corner of the page.
Add Contact
After selecting Add Contact the user will be taken to the add Contact page.
Add Contact Details
Indicate the category for the contact and fill out the required fields on the form (denoted by an asterisk). Note that you can copy Required Location information by selecting the value in the copy details field and selecting the button to the right. Once the form is complete select the green Save button, the user will be returned to the CAB-01.
To complete the form all required contacts and locations must be provided. Selecting the complete button prior to entering all information will result in an error message. The user can save the form and return later to submit. To complete the form, select the blue and white submit button in the upper-left hand corner of the page. A confirmation modal will appear, so complete the process select Yes, to Cancel select No.