To view the list of user accounts, click on the "Utilities" link on the primary navigation menu, then the blue "User Management" Link, and on the User Management interface, click the blue "User List" link.
The User List will display, among the list of users that belong to your Municipalities, the Groups they're assigned to (hover over the "info"icon to see the full list of assigned Groups), their Email address, Phone number, whether or not their account is active or disabled, and the last time they logged in (it will read "N/A" if they user has never logged in). You can use the search bar in the upper right corner to search for a user by name.
Why am I not shown in the user list? Don't worry! The reason your account is not in the list is because we want to make sure that you do not accidentally disable your own account or change your user level. If you need to update your account information, just click "My Profile" on the left-hand menu. |
The Actions button, the "arrow" to the left of each users Name, is a drop-down menu with options on editing that user's account.
To Disable a users Account, select the "Disable Account" option from the Actions drop-down.
If a user has tried to login unsuccessfully five times, you can select "Reset Failed Login Attempts" to reset this counter and allow the user to try again.
You can select "Reset Password" to send an email to the user for them to reset their account login password.
To edit a users profile, select "Edit User Profile" from the Actions drop-down menu to the left of the users Name.
Why can't I change my email address? Your email address is your username and because of how the system manages accounts, you can't change it on your own. If you need to have it changed you can contact support and we'll take care of it for you. |
The next page allows you to edit the information within a user profile, as well as view the users Assigned Groups & Roles.
After you've finished editing the user information, click the green "Save" button to save the information and return to the User List page, or click the yellow "Cancel"
button to discard.
To edit a users Groups & Roles, select "Edit Groups & Roles" from the Actions drop-down menu to the left of the users Name.
On the Assigned Groups & Roles page, you can add any of the your assigned municipalities to the new users profile (they will automatically be assigned to the municipality you're logged in to). You can do this by checking the box to the left of the municipality you wish to assign in the "Available Groups" box, and by clicking the blue "Add Selected Group(s)" button.
In the Assigned Groups and Roles box, to the right of the Available Groups box, you have the ability to assign the new user with whichever user level (as high as your own user level) you consider appropriate; per municipality. As a Municipal Administrator, you can assign your new user as either a Municipal User or Municipal Administrator, and each municipality they're assigned to can have a different user role. You can assign roles to your user by selecting the drop-down menu to the right of the Municipalities name and picking the appropriate role.
You can remove an assigned municipality from the users profile by clicking the red "Delete" button to the left of the Municipality names.
To save your changes, click the green "Save" button. To discard your changes, click the yellow "Cancel"