You can add a fund to your MS-9 ledger by first accessing the ledger from either the primary navigation or from the blue "MS-9 Ledger"  button on the dashboard or Home screen, and then by clicking the green "Add Fund"  button along the bottom of the MS-9 Ledger Dashboard table. 

When adding a fund to the MS-9, it is required that you at least provide the Name of Fund, Date of Creation, How Invested, Type of Fund, and Purpose of Fund.

When you've entered all required and relevant fund information, click the green "Save"  button to save the changes made and move on to the next step in the Add Fund process, or the yellow "Cancel"  button to discard whichever changes had been made.

Clicking the green "Save" button will automatically direct you to the next interface in the Add Fund process.

On this page, you can add information pertaining to the funds Principle or Income values. This information is optional, and can be added later with the "Edit Fund" option.

When you've finished entering the fund information, click the green "Save"  button to save the changes made, or the yellow "Cancel"  button to discard whichever changes had been made. Clicking "Save" will direct you back to the MS-9 Ledger page, and your new fund will be visible.