To enter supplemental appropriations, County users must contact their advisor and request that their voted appropriations and revised estimated revenues be "reset" or "unlocked". Once this has been done, changes can be made to the voted appropriations and the revised estimated revenues by navigating to the Budget tab and clicking on the green arrow next to the relevant warrant article.

On the warrant article page, indicate that the article passed, that the article was amended, and that the amendment was financial. This will unlock the appropriations fields in the table at the bottom of the page. You will also need to enter a note detailing the supplemental appropriations or changes that are being made to the article.

Then, proceed to the Appropriations table at the bottom of the page to update the Appropriations amounts as needed.

Once all necessary changes to the articles have been made, proceed to re-submit your voted appropriations by clicking "View/Calculate Appropriations". Once submitted, you will have the opportunity to make changes to your Revised Estimated Revenues.

Finally, the user must upload the County Delegation Meeting Minutes and a new copy of the Signed Appropriations of the County form, on the Budget Forms tab in the table at the bottom of the Home Screen page.