To view and edit a drafted warrant article or resolution, go to your Budget Home and click the red icon () next to the article you wish to edit. The following page is broken into three sections:

  1. Information and Language
  2. Pre-Review Comments
  3. Appropriations and Revenues Account Table

There are also three buttons that appear on this page:

  • Save & Next: Saves the changes you have made to the article and goes to the next article in the list (if it exists).
  • Save & Home: Saves the changes you have made to the article and returns you to your list of articles.
  • Delete: Deletes the current warrant article. This action cannot be undone.

Warrant Article Information and Language

Here, the system displays the article number (editable), the category and type, and the purpose (editable). There are two blocks containing the proposed appropriations totals and the offsetting revenue total. These blocks will be either red (indicating that the total you have entered does not match the total of all the relevant amounts itemized in the account code table below) or green (indicating a match). These totals can be edited as needed. Below these blocks is the article language. This language can be edited as needed. In the image below, the article has just been created, so no values have been entered into the account codes table and both of the boxes are red.

Pre-Review Comments

This section displays any pre-review comments for this article from your advisor. This is also where you will correspond with your advisor when resolving pre-review feedback. In the image below, there are three pending pre-review comments that have not yet been marked as read. See: The Pre-Review Process.

Appropriations and Revenues Account Table

This section allows you to assign appropriations and revenues amounts to specific account codes for this warrant article. There are two tabs at the top of this table: Appropriations and Revenues (1). Along the left side are the relevant categories of account codes (2). The Search box will allow you to find specific accounts by name or account code (3).

Note: Certain account codes are not available for use in Operating Budget articles by non-City or non-County entities. These include accounts 4915 (To Capital Reserve Funds) and 4916 (To Expendable Trusts/Fiduciary Funds). These account codes can be used in individual and special warrant articles, as the movement of funds into these types of trusts must be voted on separately from the Operating Budget.

As you enter values, you can click the blue "Recalculate" link (4) at any time to save your progress and recalculate the totals shown at the bottom of the page (5) and in the warrant article information boxes at the top of the page. Changing categories will also save your progress and recalculate the totals. The system will compare these calculated total appropriations and total revenues and compare it against the totals that you entered in the warrant article information boxes. If the amounts match, the boxes will turn green.

Note: The fields "Appropriations Prior Year As Approved by DRA" and "Actual Prior Year Expenditures" are disabled for Special and Individual Warrant Articles. This is intentional, as the purposes and the account codes of these articles change from year-to-year and the NHDRA wants to avoid situations where inappropriate comparisons could be made by voters.